Good Evening Everybody!
Here is an update on our manual trading assets. We some how managed to be almost exactly where we were last time, which was a recurring pattern on the Wall-E BOT. Better than losing money.
We are still heavy on Monero with the governments planning trackable fiat pegged currencies. Social Media is also starting to see how easy it is to identify who owns what wallets. The "MAGA COIN" dev offered to give away $20k worth to "Maga Hulk" and you could see where he dumped it less than 24 hours later. Thanks to Poocoin.
I also recently got one of my old friends to agree to pay me with 13 monero to design his house vs $5000. A bit of a personal competition to see if I can raise technological awareness about actual cryptography on social media. I was always kind of ignorant of privacy and blockchain analysis until you start going down the satoshi rabbit hole.
BAT and ICX are no brainers with their low circulating supply and real world blockchains. We aren't looking to do any crazy fast trading. We already have some tiered limit sell orders for $4+. Brave Browser is the only thing you can use to read news articles these days, and I'm seeing rumors on twitter about ICX airdrops. This is why you don't want to keep your crypto on exchanges. Unfortunately, for this experiment, we are in it for % gains from "trading." This is what you would call a "SCALP" trade. It's super common before airdrops, and the trading can be very volatile.