NAME: Geometry Labs
Prepers Score: C
Geometry Labs is a cryptocurrency and decentralized finance research and development lab. Follow this handle for contributions to the ICON Blockchain ecosystem. Their goal is to create additional API's for ICON Developers to give live and historical data for d'app development. Geometry Labs is creating a data streaming platform for the ICON Ecosystem. Geometry Labs are a group of individuals that were formally with the P-Rep Insight but broke off to develop their own P-Rep team. Geometry Labs has submitted numerous different Grants that you can find below.
Event Based Architecture
The first grant is for building an event based architecture and alternative APIs to connect off-chain infrastructure with events off the blockchain. Will be very helpful for Balanced and Omm or any other project needing off-chain infrastructure.
AutoScaling Endpoints
The second is to build a set of scalable endpoints similar to solidwallet for accessing the chain. Design was built with ICON 2.0 in mind along with the ability to incorporate advanced features / alternative APIs as developed from the prior grant
API Infrastructure Development Direction
Our goal is to help attract top tier developer talent to ICON where APIs like REST and GraphQL dominate in the Web2 world.
Their node uptime is 99.80%
Their Twitter is: GeometryLabs
Website: https://geometrylabs.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/geometry-labs/geometry-labs-defi-and-crypto-product-r-d-547814e44973