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peter Went and got some documents printed & notarized, and the guy behind the counter was maybe 55. Total comes out to $11 something, so I hand him a $20. He replies, "Haven't seen cash in a while. Everything is digital now."

I reply, " So do you guys take Bitcoin?"

"OH NO!!! Stay away from that!"

We are so early!

peter re: Ramen
Anyone get so lazy, that instead of waiting for store bought Ramen to cook 3 minutes, they just sprinkled a dusting of seasoning on the dried noodles and ate it out of the bag? ...just asking.

does anyone is fancy to start B90X today?
For those young blood out there B90X is the crypto development 90 days challenge YouTube video course.
Watching 1 video each day and than posting below every video some colour commentary or a question.
You will learn (or be reminded of) the basics around Bitcoin, wallets, exchanges, security all through TA (technical analysis) and on personal psychology, productivity and how to setup, plan and live purpose, driven life.

Don't hesitate to ask any question you might have and let's go together.

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