- Edited
Name? van der Veni Vidi Vici
Where are you from? Holland, residing in Sweden
Why crypto? Dogelord
Random fact time! - Tell us something about YOU: Check my crypto scam vid
Successes: ICX, GRS, Algorand, ETH
Failures: Bezant, Bluewhale
Name? van der Veni Vidi Vici
Where are you from? Holland, residing in Sweden
Why crypto? Dogelord
Random fact time! - Tell us something about YOU: Check my crypto scam vid
Successes: ICX, GRS, Algorand, ETH
Failures: Bezant, Bluewhale
Name: Ron
From: Richmond, Virginia
Why Crypto: Peter when he purchased the Lambo live with BTC. Dude was the tru Doge OG
Why now: I remember some of you peeps from the Bitcoin Pub
Random Fact: I'm a mover by trade
Successes: Bought a million Doge in 2017....sold it the same year.
Name - Tim Hughes
Where are you from - Lexington, SC
Why crypto - Definitely do not have a background in trading or even keeping up with tech trends but I started paying attention to the price movement of BTC in January 2017 but didn't buy any cryptos until August '17. Jumped in with a willingness to lose everything but figured the reward outweighed the risk and it was. I did have Moon Boy dreams initially but realized the paradigm shift that the crypto space was going to cause has forced me to dream about Mars. The world is changing and I think 5 years from now everyone will realize that the crypto space was the catalyst for that change.
Random fact time - Working towards getting a MDIV in Christian Apologetics but had to postpone that once we adopted infant twins 2 years ago.
Pub 2.0!? I can't believe I am still here and learning every single day.
From 2017 to now, I learned how to budget and continue to DCA. I never thought I would be here without the right mindset. I appreciate learning a lot from @peter with his strategies back then.
I can't wait to see what we can do for ICX. Seriously, want to quit my sales job for something ICX related, or P-rep with others. Just something I keep thinking about. I have no motivation for my current job lol.
hi my name is Simon and I am here to learn more about Catena and and opportunity for joining this project.
SimonFUTURE2 welcome SimonFUTURE2 great to have you brother.
Name: Beto
From: Curacao (Caribbean Island) living in the Netherlands
why crypto: ...really?
Thank you @peter, @josephcorey17, and Matt
Excited to be part of this community and love your ideas regarding going back to ICON's original promise: "Interoperability". I have a feeling that you guys are going to push to make this a reality. We need Preprs, we need transparency to attract investors. Kudos to Matt, preprs UI is simple and sexy as hell.
Random: Both ICONEX and MyIconWallet works, but they are too complex for most users. Please build a ICX wallet that works with preprs. Staking, voting and connecting to other sexy dapps like Balanced should be easy and sexy to attract the masses.
Welcome to the community Beto! We are providing our best effort for the world of crypto, thanks man!
Hey everyone,
The name is Sou.
I worked as an System analyst in a Tech position where a few of my colleague was researching and designing use cases for Blockchain tech.
Which is how I heard about Bitcoin and Crypto in early 2017.
However, I didn't start to dabble in it until late 2017. I have been following Blockchain, ICON, and crypto since early 2018.
I happy to become a part of this community.
CryptoYaso Thanks for becoming apart of our community Sou, and we're happy you're here as well!