Burgundyllama Peter used to joke a lot back then with doge, hello the joke is more like a prophecy today.
Welcome to Watercooler! - Introduce Yourself!
peter hello everybody
CleaningWithDavis Hello to you too! Glad to have you here.
Name: Marc
Location: Minnesota
Why: I was introduced to crypto early on in 2011/2012 when a client of mine was hit with ransomware. Needless to say that caused me to have a negative view of crypto until I read the Ethereum whitepaper. It was at that moment I finally realized to potential and power of the blockchain.
Factoid: I'm a jack of all trades but master of none. I have a strong passion for the outdoors and preserving our natural spaces. I try to go off-grid for about a month every year during the summertime to spend time backpacking and canoeing.
MarcWiebusch Great to have you here Marc! That's an interesting way to get into crypto!
MarcWiebusch Wow! Amazing story... glad you stayed in crypto!
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Name? van der Veni Vidi Vici
Where are you from? Holland, residing in Sweden
Why crypto? Dogelord
Random fact time! - Tell us something about YOU: Check my crypto scam vid
Successes: ICX, GRS, Algorand, ETH
Failures: Bezant, Bluewhale
Name: Ron
From: Richmond, Virginia
Why Crypto: Peter when he purchased the Lambo live with BTC. Dude was the tru Doge OG
Why now: I remember some of you peeps from the Bitcoin Pub
Random Fact: I'm a mover by trade
Successes: Bought a million Doge in 2017....sold it the same year.
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Name - Tim Hughes
Where are you from - Lexington, SC
Why crypto - Definitely do not have a background in trading or even keeping up with tech trends but I started paying attention to the price movement of BTC in January 2017 but didn't buy any cryptos until August '17. Jumped in with a willingness to lose everything but figured the reward outweighed the risk and it was. I did have Moon Boy dreams initially but realized the paradigm shift that the crypto space was going to cause has forced me to dream about Mars. The world is changing and I think 5 years from now everyone will realize that the crypto space was the catalyst for that change.
Random fact time - Working towards getting a MDIV in Christian Apologetics but had to postpone that once we adopted infant twins 2 years ago.
Pub 2.0!? I can't believe I am still here and learning every single day.
From 2017 to now, I learned how to budget and continue to DCA. I never thought I would be here without the right mindset. I appreciate learning a lot from @peter with his strategies back then.
I can't wait to see what we can do for ICX. Seriously, want to quit my sales job for something ICX related, or P-rep with others. Just something I keep thinking about. I have no motivation for my current job lol.