Prepers Score: S
Arguably one of the most active and well-known ICON P-Reps, ICONPLUS is one of the largest marketing P-Reps within the ICON Ecosystem. ICONPLUS has onboarded several investors from around the world and consists of various prominent social media influencers such as Mounia, Layah Heilpern, Brad Laurie and many more! ICONPLUS has done numerous interviews with YouTube influencers such as Crypto Wendy, Ricky Dodds, The Cryptomist and many more! ICONPLUS truly pushes the boundaries when it comes to the marketing of the network, and their marketing expertise are not to be trifled with. ICONPLUS is one of my favorite teams within the ICON Ecosystem because they bring legitimate business, marketing and social media influence to the table. ICONPLUS is a group of talented individuals with a proven track record in both the corporate and private entrepreneurship including 2 seasoned investors with a combined 90 years of experience and an average age of 42 years. ICONPLUS have managed to secure funding and investment from within to support us to deliver on the key requirements to be a P-REP. ICONPLUS's main objective is to increase exposure and implementation of the ICON technology by providing a better understanding of its unlimited abilities and challenges and most importantly: Unpacking the massive potential of the ICON ecosystem in the unexplored but highly potential region of Africa and the Middle East. ICONPLUS's mission is to ensure that the price of the token is rooted in utility rather than speculation.
Statistics Timestamp 1/31/21
Votes: 6.2 million
Voters: 800
Server Uptime: 99.94%
Server Location: London, Great Britain
Socials and Links
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/PREP_ICONPLUS
Official Website: https://www.icon-plus.org/
Official Telegram: https://t.me/PREP_ICONPLUS
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ICONPLUS
Projects: Weekly ICON Metrics Report: YouTube Podcasts and Interviews with Ricky Dodds, Min Kim and many more! One of the most active P-Reps on social media.
Corey Costa- Catena