If there ever was a moment in human history when it was deemed valuable to know how to code, it would be in this moment and persisting at the very least for our current decade (2021-2030).
However, being able to code is really just 1 tiny part of the story.
Web development, mobile, IOT, wearables are just a few of the possible avenues project creators can choose to developer their ideas on.
In college the past few years I chose to focus on a primary project for iOS. So that's where most of my skill is. But in the crypto space with a focus on developing on top of the ICON Platform I've struggled to find conviction in a direction primarily because of a point I always bring up and that's where are we with "if i develop something how do I approach limiting liability due to the gray area of crypto and the unknown repercussions."
For example, just brainstorming - I would like to to develop an iOS app which would be in the fitness niche, using crypto Where a smart contract can handle payouts when competing with friends. Fulfilling my desire to combine fitness, tech, money for the purpose of improving people's health alongside improving interaction with friends on a more personal level rather than the not so personal social media approach.
So brainstorming and hopefully kickstarting a discussion with others in the same position.
Which area do we see the best opportunity in 2021, 2022, and beyond to develop for.
Is it iOS, android
is it a web platform
for the past decade developers have created exchanges, coins, tokens, and now NFT Platforms seem interesting.
I recall some acquisitions of crypto based apps in 2018.
OR am i thinking about the approach to my question wrong and it should just be choose something/anything and not have analysis paralysis. Not sure who else to ask so here I am haha!