NotoriousBTC Welcome and glad to have you back here Christian!
Sup! I'm Charlie. I'm from Long Island NY and have been involved in crypto since 2017.
I was a member of the Bitcoin Pub back in 2017 and learned a ton from Peter + the community. Super stoked to see another similar community! I like making music ( I actually wrote the track that was in all the Decentralized TV videos haha), and investing in assets like crypto, real estate, stocks.
ChazzleDazzle Welcome back Charlie! Now that you've learned, continue to learn more!
ChazzleDazzle I am from Long Island too my friend!!!!!!!
peter Name: burgundyllama From: NC Why crypto?: It's fairly obvious that it is and will continue to make the world a better place. Something about me: I ordered a hotspot on the 24th. The order hasn't been shipped yet. When do you think it will be? Just wondering. I know you're busy with all you do. Not being rude, just looking for some info on it. Also, have been following you for a couple of years now on youtube. Back when doge wasn't even on anyone's radar.
Burgundyllama It's on a first-come-first-serve basis. We have 20,000 backlogged...
Burgundyllama Welcome to the show!
Burgundyllama Peter used to joke a lot back then with doge, hello the joke is more like a prophecy today.
Hi i'm Ken,
Used to hang around back in 2017 .
Great be back.
I'm from Nigeria.
Kenken Welcome back Ken! Yep, those were definitely the good ol' days.
peter hello everybody
CleaningWithDavis Hello to you too! Glad to have you here.
Name: Marc Location: Minnesota Why: I was introduced to crypto early on in 2011/2012 when a client of mine was hit with ransomware. Needless to say that caused me to have a negative view of crypto until I read the Ethereum whitepaper. It was at that moment I finally realized to potential and power of the blockchain. Factoid: I'm a jack of all trades but master of none. I have a strong passion for the outdoors and preserving our natural spaces. I try to go off-grid for about a month every year during the summertime to spend time backpacking and canoeing.
MarcWiebusch Great to have you here Marc! That's an interesting way to get into crypto!
MarcWiebusch Wow! Amazing story... glad you stayed in crypto!
Name? van der Veni Vidi Vici Where are you from? Holland, residing in Sweden Why crypto? Dogelord Random fact time! - Tell us something about YOU: Check my crypto scam vid 😉
Successes: ICX, GRS, Algorand, ETH Failures: Bezant, Bluewhale
Good to see you @Bankless
HVDVV The man himself. So glad to see you back in action!
Name: Ron From: Richmond, Virginia Why Crypto: Peter when he purchased the Lambo live with BTC. Dude was the tru Doge OG Why now: I remember some of you peeps from the Bitcoin Pub Random Fact: I'm a mover by trade Successes: Bought a million Doge in 2017....sold it the same year.
Bankless Welcome Ron! Hey man, there's always opportunity. Keep looking for them!
Matt Thanks brother, how are you?
HVDVV Doing good my man, just staying the course! Hope you and you're family are good as well.