I think a lot of this mentality stems from looking at what every other coin is doing in terms of price. It's significantly better to not worry about it, and stay true (focused) on what's kept you following ICX for so long. To add, there's nothing wrong with diversification to "not miss out on the boat." There are a lot of great projects and blockchains to invest or interoperate with.
We have control over the public chain's tools to build and allow for ICX growth on our terms, but I feel we should leave ICONLOOP and the foundation about their business, because they're doing great as builders (marketing is debatable).
In terms of ICX' reputation being fundamentally broken, this is highly unlikely due to it's position in society and how its functions will be integrated into ICON's blockchain.
Also another insight on being forgotten, this can definitely be considered short term thinking. While this is a fast growing space and we need to adopt, you'll end up with another scenario similar to 2018 where coins were chasing the "Ethereum killer" and smart contract world.
Draw parallels to DeFi and lending from today to then, and you'll most likely end up with the same situation with people's specific communities trying to jump on the hype train. People are worried that we'll be "forgotten", but everything that's coming out (Bridge, OMM, Balanced, Catena) along with societal adoption does show we're moving in the right direction.