What’s going on E.T Fam? This week has been pretty action packed. It’s been so action packed that I had to put another Week In Review together for you all to see everything that has gone down. There are so many topics that were covered. Let’s run down a quick list of a few things that were covered this week.
Bitcoin shot past its ATH, then experienced a bit of a cool off. I brought you all some valuable alpha on a few #Polkadot parachain gems. Also, I gave you all my best strategy on how to win this Q4 bull market. We covered the meaning of liquidation cascades. We also talked about the big corporations and institutions that are currently entering the space.
Do I need to keep going or are you all ready to watch? If your choice is the latter, go ahead and break the play button. Stay safe and have a great weekend E.T Fam!
0:00 How To Get Rich Without Getting Lucky
1:00 The Goal Is To Grow You To The Deep End Of The Pool
1:43 Major Alpha Leak/$10 Trillion
2:20 The Flow Of Funds
3:17 As Bitcoin Crushes All Time Highs
4:20 Start With Major Cap Altcoins
5:26 One Of The Biggest Opportunities To Get Ahead
5:55 Most Likely To Secure A Parachain List
7:10 Wait For A Down Moment For Bitcoin
7:50 “A Smooth Sea Never Made A Good Sailor”
8:40 One Of The Most Insane Scam Wicks/Markets Getting Much More Leveraged
9:06 The Concept Of Leverage
9:55 Definition Of A Liquidation Cascade