MinimalMountain is an NFT duotone mountain art collection which consists of only 222 unique art pieces. Outline of MinimalMountain was created using procedural terrain generation method and consists of only 2 primary tone colours. No two MinimalMountain is the same and you too can own a MinimalMountain!
No. Combination Type How many MinimalMountain? Price (ETH) Serial No.
- Original 66 0.01 1 - 66
- Outline 55 0.02 67 - 121
- Gradient 44 0.03 122 - 165
- Stacked Window 33 0.04 166 - 198
- Sun Moon 22 0.05 199 - 220
- Aurora 20.1 221 - 222
Feel free to download and use them as your wallpaper if you like. If you love it, you can own them and also request for a higher resolution of 2560 x 3840. Request can be made via DM on my Twitter or email me!