What’s Good E.T Fam?! I know that we’re in celebratory mode at the moment. #Bitcoin has skyrocketed to $55k, and everything seems to be going well. It definitely feels good to witness the breakout. However, I’m coming to you all with an urgent message. In speaking with my good friend, Krown (Master Of The Charts), it has been brought to my attention that the leverage is getting very high.
This could be a cause for concern. Whenever leverage is too high, there’s a very good possibility of a mass liquidation event….meaning that there’s a huge likelihood of there being a final crash before we have our epic pump. I’d advise everyone to be cautiously optimistic. I’m not saying that the good times are coming to an end, but we must always stay abreast of any signs that foreshadow drastic price volatility. If you all have been paying attention to my vids, I’ve been warning of one more crash anyway.
So, this should come as no surprise. In other news, the legendary George Soros has confirmed that he’s holding #crypto. That may be good news to some, but we aren’t sure if he will be a friend or foe to the space? While we welcome George to the cryptoverse, we will also be keeping a watchful eye. Our good buddy ol Gary Gensler admitted that the SEC had no intentions on banning crypto. They only want to regulate it (obviously).
So, prepare to eventually have your pockets patted by Uncle S in the future. In more bullish news, #Ethereum is continuing to heat up. Credit Suisse is integrating security tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Let’s see what type of effect this will have on ETH (if any). Also, the young superstar – Sam Bankman-Fried – has made the Forbes list for be the Richest Under 30 after amassing a fortune of $22.5B. Congrats to Sam. I have a feeling that we will be seeing many more crypto billionaires in the near future. Hopefully, a good number of them will be from the E.T Fam!
00:00 = Intro
01:13 = Global leverage ratio
02:02 = Bitcoin is showing strenght
04:14 = Bitcoin : a "system hedge"?
05:09 = Big money turning to crypto
06:19 = Regulation, not banning
07:48 = Regulatory crackdown scenario
09:41 = Leverage trading is a risky game
10:18 = Outro